Trying your hand in the kitchen or simply want to upgrade your skills? Molly Baz is here to teach you absolutely everything she knows and equip you with the tools to become a better, faster and more creative cook—from putting a simple but big-flavored home cooked meal to the invaluable power of improvisation within the kitchen.
Created as a "new kind of foundational cookbook", Baz takes a multimedia approach throughout the recipes. Dozens of QR codes are found throughout the book, that once scanned, will link to a short video of Baz demonstrating the technique needed to cook a specific dish.
“Cooking is really fun, I swear. You simply need to set yourself up for success to truly enjoy it.” —Molly Baz
Molly breaks the essentials of cooking down to clear and uncomplicated recipes with little effort and a side of education. The visually compelling lessons on such topics as the importance of salt and how to balance flavor makes the reading journey more interesting, giving you all the tools necessary to make food taste great every single time.